Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Colds Can Suck it too

I have stinking miserable summer cold, and I am more than a little grouchy about it.

So yes add this to the things that can suck it.

Better and less grumpy post coming as soon as I can stop sneezing, and blowing my nose.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Dementia can suck it

Hello all you Babble Faithful.

I was doing so well there for a while keeping up with regular posting.

Then the end of May hit and all hell broke loose.

A lot of stuff goes on in May.

So anyhoo... get ready for a ramble.

#1 has successfully completed 6th grade. An offsite after school hours party was held for the entire 6th grade at her school. Everyone had fun, and problems were virtually non-existent. Apparently that was not the case for another school in the district's party. Whoo-eee. Let's just say apparently the hormones among the children at my kid's school are lagging behind. I do believe all the parents are ok with that. The promotion ceremony was held the last day of school. I managed to make it through without bawling and wailing in front of everyone. I think it helped that the ceremony lasted all of about 20 minutes. Not much time to get teary. I do believe this parent was ok with that.

School has ended, but I don't think Chez Babble will be experiencing much of a laid back summer. BH has been cast in a show at the local university where he is chipping away at a Masters Degree. He is also taking a more lengthy summer class. The past few summers his classes have been about a month long. This one is two months. There are vacations, vbs, camps, violin lessons, piano lessons, and possibly another show thrown in there too. So busy business as usual for us this summer. I have just enjoyed my first day with the return of the house husband. Given the HH's busy schedule this summer my expectations were low, but of course BH the HH surpassed my expectations by a long shot. He's pretty good for that.

We just returned from a long weekend in Ohio to visit BH's grandparents and other family. It was a tough trip. His grandmother is suffering from some very sudden and serious dementia. Still trying to figure out what is going on. She was very paranoid, and at times verbally aggressive over the weekend, and obviously not herself at all. It was very heartbreaking to experience. Hopefully some resolution will come soon. Getting old sucks donkey balls sometimes. This would definitely be one of those.

In Shocking! And! Exciting! News!

I am headed to NYC in a week. Alllll by myself. To visit my good friend Ali. and maybe Dan if he feels he can squeeze me in. Hopefully some other friends too. Other than that I have no idea what I will be doing there, other than praying daily to the GPS God/Goddesses that I do not get lost 40 different times a day. Have I mentioned that I have absolutely NO SENSE OF DIRECTION WHATSOEVER??? BH who has been with me for a damn long time is still STILL astounded by my ability to always choose the wrong direction when given the opportunity. I am hoping to find some kind of GPS application for my Blackberry that will help guide me while I am there. This was a very spontaneous trip and that is worthy of a whole post itself.

There is some other stuff happening, but I think I will turn those in to their own posts. I got my Blogher gentle reminder today, so this should appease them. I just received my first check from them after about 3 years of running ads, so I guess I better keep em happy.

Later Gators.