Let's just say the train is in the shop for maintenance this week shall we?
I don't even know where to begin.
Have I mentioned yet that I don't always care for the beginning of the school year?
I bet that if you look back on the nearly 5(!) years I have been writing this blog at some point in mid-September to early October there is a post where I whine about how hectic the schedule is, and how I miss my house husband.
Well I ain't about to stop now.
I hate this time of the year.
I hate feeling like the wicked witch who does nothing but crack the "oh my God we have to hurry and get everything done and we have no time" whip.
I hate feeling like my only interactions with my children involve me reviewing the checklist to make sure everything is done.
I could list several more things I hate, but I am beginning to hate writing about things I hate.
Let's just say the past two weeks have been hectic, and adjusting to school and activities in full force life blows.
Hopefully my next post will have less grouch and more hooray.
Until then......