Or thing, rather.
That would be my decision to take two classes this semester. Oy. Big mistake. I am keeping up the grades, but it is sucking my time away in a fashion that leaves me grumpy and seriously burned out.
So, if any of you are left to even read this thing, I don't expect the infrequent updating of this blog to end any time soon. Maybe mid June. I'll do what I can, but that ain't gonna be much.
Sorry. I hate to disappoint even two people, but I suspect that was done long ago.
School? What the hell are you going to be when you grow up then?
Seriously. Keep it up. I couldn't even get accepted to troll college. So I will just keep living in a van, down by the river.
I am going back to take the classes I need to be a school counselor. I already have an MA in counseling psychology, but apparently that isn't good enough for the school systems here, and I need more school. So there you have it.
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