My cousin's Austrailian Shepperd named Abby had her first litter of puppies about 3 weeks ago. We paid the puppies a visit today and they were so darn cute I thought I ought to share.
Really..... who doesn't love pictures of cute puppies?
Trying out some people knees

Being short is tough!

Proud Mama and Puppy Behinds!
The knees - they are tasty.
Did you escape without bringing one home? How is that possible?
WEeeelllll...let's just say that my husband and I don't do so well with the puppies. We had one a few years back and after about two months he was fostered out to my uncle where he is very happy. We have a dog now, we got her as an adult dog and it has worked out very well.
I don't cope well with being awakened at 3 AM to whining that sounds like torture and a floor full of pee and poo.
Crying babies and diapers I could handle. Constant pee and poo on the floor is my limit.
Okay, there's no way - NO WAY - I would've been able to walk away unscathed. And by "unscathed" I mean "minus puppy". I applaud your ability to drag the kids home without one. Were they drugged?
Yet another example of how your biological responses win out. We get to deal with the whining and piles of pee and poo for our own kids, but not small animals.
Although on the bright side, once you're past the 1st year or so, you never have to send those furry guys to school or college or buy them cars....
Wait, maybe I can get a trade in on the twins! Aiee! Maybe I'll wait to see how cute they are. So torn!
So tired!
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