Monday, November 01, 2010

Crazy Excited

Have I ever mentioned my family's strong and abiding love for Rockband?

Well...we here at Chez Babble have a strong and abiding love for Rockband.

We have recruited many many followers through our totally rockin' Rockband parties.

To date, after each party we have thrown (and there have been several) someone who attended has gone out and bought the game.

Harmonix should absolutely sign us up as spokespeople.

So Rockband 3 is out.

It has a KEYBOARD and cooler drums, and a supposedly cooler guitar that has not received great reviews.

Tonight we looked at the playlist.

So SO many lovely songs.

BUT we are making ourselves wait until Christmas.

Things are very busy between now and then, and once a new Rockband game gets in da house, that tends to be how we spend all of our time.

And we gots lots of other things we gots to do.

So we will covet and dream until December.

Then we will. ROCK. the. F. out!

I gotta start warming up the vocal chords.

Because my best instrument believe it or not...


No one was more surprised by this than me.

But I apparently can rock the f out with my voice.

Can't WAIT!!!

I was in no way compensated by Harmonix or any other company associated with Rockband for this post. However, if they want a rabid fan and recruiter to write some testimonial or something I will jump on it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...