Friday, November 18, 2005


TGIF is a phrase I have always hated. However I am almost always glad that it is Friday, I think it is just not something worth bugging the Big G with. I think he knows.

I don't have much to share right now, and I fear that babbling on and on about my anxiety over getting my house cleaned and a door on the downstairs bathroom before 25-30 members of my family converge on this house for Thanksgiving Dinner would be boring. anticipation that the days proceeding the above-mentioned event may not provide me with much time for posting I will list a few things I am Thankful for, because I know you all are DYING to know.

What I am Thankful For in no particular order...
1. Toasted Chocolate PopTarts and a cold glass of milk. (Just had this and it was GOOOOD)
2. My Beloved owes me two weeks of supervising bath time.
3. An end to my annual fall single parent festival. (Lasts from end of Sept-Nov, you should check it out)
4. Sitting idly by while my beloved, #1 and #2 catch up on play rowdy with Daddy time.
5. Two days off work baby!
6. I kept my promise NOT to get involved in a Christmas show this year.
and of course...
7. All my peeps who take time to read my babbling on.
and this goes with out saying, but I will say it anyway because it is important...
My honeys: Beloved, #1 and #2 because they mean that my life is NEVER truly dull.
Whew! That almost got all sappy and sentimental. I can't be having that on here. What would my public think?????


Valerie said...

I'm going to have to copy you....

Ali said...

Okay, now we need the PETTY "thankful" list. You were off to a good start with the Poptart thing but then got all sidetracked with, like, real stuff. Bring on the superficiality!

Ted Carter said...

I'm thankful we made it through Jeff's show Saturday without killing Alex. It was close a couple of times...