Monday, April 30, 2007

Apparently I have pissed off the Goddess of Health and Wellness

Because I know you on the edge wanting the latest update on my health, and seeing as I apparently have a need to vent let me tell you what is up.


Come ON!

I seem to be developing an allergy to penicillan. How cool is that?

Almost as cool as this rash.

Fever is gone. So hallelujah for that I guess.

So now I wait for a call back from the doctor's office. I am pretty sure I have a day of being doped up on Benadyrl ahead of me. Which is good for all of you becuase it will mean I sleep instead of Blog.
Or if I am really dopey...some interesting blogging may ensue. You never know.

I just hope they call with instructions before the itching starts. Please!

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