Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What is in a name?

#1 is beginning to show an interest in.... (GULP).....I don't even know if I can type it...here it goes.......


In past years at both pre-school and elementary school there has been passing mention of boys that she considers boyfriends and at least one that she considered to be her future husband.

This year it seems that the whole liking boys thing is moving on to new levels. Levels that make her father and I uncomfortable it seems, so we have been teasing her about it a bit. Probably not a great idea, and we intend to get that under control.

Here is my question...

Should we be concerned that her current love interest seems to go by the name of Nasty Boy?


Ali said...

HA! Good luck.

Does he have a Driveway O' Lust?

Ted Carter said...

Yes, you should be very, very concerned. But be more afraid when she starts referring to her breasts as "these babies." Don't ask...